Mollie Little
Mollie graduated from Minnetonka highschool. She had been chosen as one of the home coming queen candidates in her senior year and had graced the stage with her fine singing voice in the school operettas, as well as accompanying choir concerts on the piano. She had a great love for music, and shared her talents on many occasions. She sang gospel trio music with two of her sisters at a variety of churches and other events for many years. She also organized, and performed at some local classical music recitals.
In her youth, she loved babysitting and swimming, and spent countless hours on Lake Minnetonka with her friends. It was on one of those afternoons at the lake where she was re-introduced to a handsome young man, who later became her husband.
Mollie and Frederic Haglin Little were married on September 21st, 1962 at Minnetonka Baptist Church, by Pastor Samuelson, and soon the newlyweds were blessed with their oldest son, Charles Frederic. One year minus two days later, his little brother Sean Sage arrived to complete the family. At this time in their lives, Mollie and Ric were renting a little house in Minnetonka just behind the Groveland Elementary School she had attended when she was a child. Soon they moved to their home on 9th Avenue North in Wayzata where they lived for many years. It was here that Mollie and Ric got involved in snowmobile racing. Over the years they raced both Polaris and Ski-doo, and Mollie proved early on to be a formidable opponent…winning numerous trophies and prize money. She always enjoyed outdoor activities, from jogging along the Luce Line, to motorcycle riding and tennis. She soaked up the sun any chance she got, and taught her boys to swim at an early age, often taking them to the lake shore property of Ric”s “Gram Bunny” in Maplewoods.
In 1976 they moved to their present country home just West of Delano where her boys finished high school, and Mollie embraced the abundance of outdoor space allowing her the luxury of extensive flower beds and a substantial vegetable garden. At harvest time, those vegetables could be found along side her delectable main courses which were only outdone by her extraordinary desserts.
She developed a love for Belgian Draft horses, and acquired 4 of them at various times. She learned how to harness and drive them, even participating in the Delano 4th of July Parade.
Her love for the outdoors also led her to infinite fishing excursions, and hunting for both deer and duck Of the numerous people with whom Ric hunted, he named her as his best hunting partner in a local newspaper article he wrote.
Whatever Mollie did, she did it wholeheartedly; whether it was Cowboy Action Shooting, Skiing, or acquiring her pilots license. She loved adventure.
When the COPD that eventually took her life, began to whittle away at her health, she could no longer participate in the physical activities she loved, but she slowed her pace with grace and dignity. The gardening she so enjoyed turned into avid book reading, and she was always suggesting her great finds to family and friends. Her hunting days turned into bird watching and she loved to tell you which birds were at the feeders, and announce when the hummers came back from their southern winters.
Mollie was a born again Christian, and practiced her Faith throughout her lifetime. She and Ric leaned on each other and God to see them through the dark days after their youngest son, Sean was killed in a car accident in 1985. Her faith in God has never wavered, and she was not afraid of death. She went home to Heaven, composed and confident in her final destination. We can weep for a season, mourning her absence in our lives…but ultimately, we will find joy, knowing we will see her again.
A memorial service was held on Thursday, June 12, 2014 at the Light of Christ Lutheran Church, 3976 County Line Road in Delano, Minnesota at 3 p.m. Gathering of family and friends was in the church from 1 to 3 p.m. on Thursday prior to the services.